Interface IRuntimeWorld


Implemented by


awaiter?: Promise<void>

This promise resolves when the execution terminates

config: Readonly<IRuntimeWorldInitConfig>

Initial config

currentState: undefined | Readonly<IState>

Advertises the current state

data: Readonly<IRuntimeWorldData>

Data to operate on. This data may mutate at any time

eventBus: Readonly<IEventBus>

Architecture to send messages between systems

isRunning: boolean

Boolean indicator if the world is currently executing

name: string

World's name

systemActions: Readonly<ISystemActions>

Object containing all actions available inside a system

transitionActions: Readonly<ITransitionActions>

Object containing all actions available on step-to-step transitions, as well as to states


  • Replace a resource from this world with a new value

    Type Parameters

    • T extends object


    • obj: T | TTypeProto<T>
    • Rest ...args: readonly unknown[]

    Returns Promise<void>

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